Perhaps this is my new favorite destination because it was featured so well on this season's "The Bachelor," but St. Lucia is top on my list of places to visit. The luscious green landscapes, black sand beaches and turquoise ocean seem like a too good to be true, slice of heaven. If you are getting married and still have not picked a honeymoon destination, I would have to suggest the tropical Caribbean Island of Saint Lucia. And the best part of this get-away destination is that it can appeal to both the active, adventurous couple, as well as the couple that just wants to lounge and relax all day. Just a few things you could enjoy on the island include scuba, snorkeling, sunset cruises, active volcanoes, hot springs, hiking to amazing views, and incredible rainforest explorations. If I could plan a vacation right now, I would love to consider this island... so to you lucky couples that have the excuse to plan this trip, I must say I am a little bit jealous.

Add me to the 'jealous' list, too. That looks amazing.